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Cheat Dota / Warcraft III Frozen Throne Bahasa Indonesia

Cheat Warcraft III Frozen Throne

Cara Menggunakan:
  1. Untuk Enablekan Cheat Tekan "Enter" kemudian masukan Kode yg diinginkan kemudian Tekan "Enter" lagi
  2. Untuk Disablekan Cheat Tekan "Enter" kemudian masukan Kode yg ingin disablekan lalu Tekan "Enter" lagi
Cheat :
  • TenthLevelTaurenChieftain – Memainkan lagu khusus (Warcraft III: Cuma bisa di The Frozen Throne)
  • WarpTen – Mempercepat konstruksi bangunan dan unit
  • IocainePowder – Kematian Cepat / Kerusaskan
  • WhosYourDaddy – God mode, kuat satu kali hajar dan ga bisa mati
  • KeyserSoze [jumlah] – Memberikan Anda X Emas Contoh : KeyserSoze 999999
  • LeafitToMe [jumlah] – Memberikan Anda X Lumber (kayu) Contoh : leafittome 999999
  • GreedIsGood [jumlah] – Memberikan Anda X Emas dan Lumber (kayu)Contoh : greedisgood 999999
  • PointBreak – Menghapus batas makanan
  • ThereIsNoSpoon – Mana tak terbatas
  • StrengthAndHonor – kekalahan Tidak
  • Motherland [ras] [level] – melompat melompat ke level tertentu
  • SomebodySetUpUsTheBomb – Kekalahan Instan
  • AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs – Kemenangan Instan
  • WhoIsJohnGalt – Aktifkan research (penelitian)
  • SharpAndShiny – Upgrade research (penelitian)
  • IseeDeadPeople – Hapus kabut perang atau keliatan semua dalam peta
  • Synergy – Nonaktifkan persyaratan tech tree
  • RiseAndShine – Mengatur waktu hari menuju fajar
  • LightsOut – Mengatur waktu hari menuju sore/malam
  • DayLightSavings [waktu] – Jika waktu yang ditentukan, waktu diatur ke jam tersebut, misalkan DayLightSavings 12 berarti ke jam 12. Kalau tidak disetting waktu maka hari dihentikan/dilanjutkan.

Line Let’s Get Rich Hack and Cheats Tool

Line Let's Get Rich Hack 
Our team have just prepared for all Line Let’s Get Rich fans a new software called Line Let’s Get Rich Hack and Cheats Tool. With this application installed on your computer, you will have a lot of fun from this game. Our team used a high-technology scripting language, which is used for the first time in this hack. You will not have problem with banning or tracking. Our ultimate security will protect you.

  • Unlimited Diamonds. Yeah, what can be better then unlimited diamonds? Let me say, nothing. This feature is absolutelly briliant. You can buy whatever you want, play how you want, get a lot of fun from this game and of course, you don’t need to grind more. This feature is perfect for you.
  • Unlock All Items. It’s really interesting then you have unlimited game currency, but let’s waste less from your time. Why you need to press buy, buy, buy,buy and more buy to purchase items from shop? You can get all items at 1-click distance, sorry at 1-check distance
  • Use Proxy. What is the best protection from tracking? Of course anonyme IP. This proxy have 100% anonyme date, unique, private IP. Only you will have this IP, and you get 1 per use, so after closing and reopening Line Let’s Get Rich Hack, you will get another proxy
  • Anti-Ban. Last and the most powerfull, AB System. This AB System help you from getting ban/track or any other punishement for cheating. This work with the newest anti-ban script created by our team.
How To Use:
  1. Extract the archive to your desktop.
  2. Install Line Let’s Get Rich Hack. Don`t worry, our application is virus free and clean.
  3. Run the program through the executable.
  4. Connect your phone to PC.
  5. Choose your platform between Android or iOS.
  6. Press connect.
  7. Check the features you want to add.
  8. Insert diamonds amount.
  9. Press Start.
  10. Have fun with your items.
Download  :   Lets Get Rich Tool

Yuk, Download Windows 10

Sudah tahu kan, kalau Microsoft mulai mengenalkan Windows 10 pekan lalu? Nah, dalam rangka pengembangan fitur Windows 10  Microsoft mengadakan program Windows Insider Program di mana pengguna bisa mencoba memakai versi Technical Preview dari sistem operasi anyar ini. Kalau mau, kamu bisa lho ikutan download Windows 10 ini. Caranya gampang kok, kamu cuma perlu punya Microsoft ID dan koneksi internet stabil tentunya. Karena ukuran file downloadnya lumayan gede, hitungan giga lah.
1.  Langkah pertama, buka situs Windows Insider Program di
2. Dari sana, klik “Join Now”. Kamu akan disajikan layar login Microsoft ID, masukkan kredensial kamu di situ.
windows 10 download - 1
3. Jika berhasil maka laman web Windows Insider Program akan ditampilkan. Klik link “install Technical Preview”.
4. Nanti di laman Windows Technical Preview, cari bagian “Looking for ISO files?” di bagian bawah dan klik link “get the iso files” yang ada di sana. Jangan klik Get Upgrade karena opsi ini akan mengganti (upgrade) OS Windows kamu sekarang.
5. Oke, kamu sudah siap unduh ISO Windows 10. Pilih deh yang sesuai sama kebutuhan kamu. Kalau sudah tinggal install dengan sebelumnya merekam ISO tadi ke DVD atau USB drive kamu.
Semoga Bermanfaat